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Food in Georgia and its health benefits

Posted by admin_avezliki2 on 29.03.2023

photo 2023 03 21 12 26 38

Georgian cuisine is famous for its variety and abundance of delicious dishes. It differs not only in its unique taste, but also in its useful properties. One of the main components of Georgian cuisine is greens.

In this article, we will talk about why greens are so important for health and how they are used in Georgian cuisine.

Greens are a source of nutrients

Greens such as basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, and mint are high in vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. It is also rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and prevent many diseases.

The use of greens in Georgian cuisine

Greens play an important role in Georgian cuisine. It is used in most dishes, adding fresh flavor and aroma to them. One of the most popular dishes of Georgian cuisine is Khinkali – a delicious dish in the form of a bag of dough with juicy minced meat and broth. Almost no Georgian dish that cannot be imagined without herbs.


So, greens are not just a decoration of dishes, but also a source of useful substances. It not only adds a fresh taste and aroma to dishes, but also helps maintain health. If you have not tried Georgian dishes with herbs yet, be sure to try them and see for yourself their taste and health benefits.

Try to cook, you will definitely succeed!


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