Obtaining a residence card in Georgia
Residence card in Georgia is an official document which is issued to foreign citizens who have the right to live and work in Georgia on a permanent basis. It allows foreign citizens to legally stay in Georgia for a long period of time and receive most of the social and economic benefits that are available to citizens of Georgia.
A residence card can be obtained on the basis of various categories, such as investment in the Georgian economy, family rationale, work, study, etc. Moreover, Georgia has a simplified procedure for obtaining residence cards for citizens of certain countries.
The residence card is valid for a certain period of time and can be renewed. Also, after a certain period of staying on the territory of Georgia, a foreign citizen may be eligible to obtain citizenship of Georgia.
Types of Residence Card in Georgia
For a start, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the text of the Law of Georgia ON THE LEGAL STATUS OF ALIENS AND STATELESS PERSONS | სსიპ ”საქართველოს საკანონმდებლო მაცნე” (matsne.gov.ge)
and in particular with article 15 of this Law of Georgia, which describes the types of residence cards in Georgia.
Let’s now take a closer look at each type of residence card in Georgia:
I. A residence card in connection with labor relations is issued to citizens who are officially employed and work in Georgia, to persons of a free profession, as well as to those who have registered individual entrepreneurship.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen.
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia.
- a document confirming entrepreneurial activity and work (an employment contract or other document certifying employment). If it is not possible to confirm the legal income of a foreign citizen using the specified documents, the amount of money on the foreigner’s personal bank account can also be considered income (including a certificate issued by the bank), the amount of which, taking into account the duration of the residence permit for the purpose of employment, monthly must not be lower than five times the subsistence minimum determined in Georgia for the average consumer.
- A certificate confirming that the monthly income / labor remuneration received by a person from entrepreneurial or labor activities carried out in Georgia is not less than five times the subsistence minimum established in Georgia for an average consumer, and a document issued by the LEPL – the Revenue Service, confirming that the annual turnover of the enterprise where the person is employed / the founding enterprise (except for educational or medical institutions) is not less than 50,000 GEL for each foreigner who wants to obtain a residence permit for the purpose of employment, and in the case of an educational or medical institution, the annual turnover is at least GEL 35,000 for each foreigner who wishes to obtain a residence permit for the purpose of employment.
- photo, size 3*4.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: |
30 calendar days | 300 GEL |
20 calendar days | 450 GEL |
10 calendar days | 600 GEL |
II. Residence permit in connection with studying in Georgia
A study residence permit shall be issued for the purpose of study at an authorised educational institution in Georgia.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
- a copy of the foreigner’s travel document.
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia.
- a certificate of study of a foreign citizen issued by an authorized educational institution of Georgia (indicating the expected period of study).
- a document certifying the legal income in Georgia of his relative – a foreign citizen and/or citizen of Georgia or a person who has a residence permit in Georgia and is related to the said person. Income can also be considered the amount available on the personal bank account of a foreign citizen, the amount of which, taking into account the duration of the residence permit for the purpose of education, should not be less than twice the subsistence level of the average consumer defined in Georgia.
- photo, size 3*4.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: | |
30 calendar days | 300 GEL |
20 calendar days | 450 GEL |
10 calendar days | 600 GEL |
III. Residence permit for family reunification
A residence permit for the purpose of family reunification shall be issued to family members of an alien holding a residence permit.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia.
- a document confirming the relationship,
- a document certifying the legal income in Georgia of his relative – a foreign citizen and/or citizen of Georgia or a person who has a residence permit in Georgia and is related to the said person. Income can also be considered the amount available on the personal bank account of a foreign citizen, the amount of which, taking into account the duration of the residence permit for the purpose of reunification, should not be less than twice the subsistence level of the average consumer defined in Georgia.
- photo, size 3*4.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: | |
30 calendar days | 300 GEL |
20 calendar days | 450 GEL |
10 calendar days | 600 GEL |
IV. Residence permit for former citizens of Georgia
A residence permit of a former citizen of Georgia shall be issued to an alien whose citizenship of Georgia has been terminated.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia.
- a copy of the document certifying the termination of citizenship of Georgia,
- photo, size 3*4.
A foreign citizen whose citizenship of Georgia has been terminated and who hasn’t left the territory of Georgia doesn’t need to present a document certifying legal stay in Georgia in order to obtain a residence permit for a former citizen of Georgia.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: | |
30 calendar days | 300 GEL |
20 calendar days | 450 GEL |
10 calendar days | 600 GEL |
V. Residence permit for stateless persons
A residence permit of a stateless person shall be issued to an individual whose status of statelessness has been determined in Georgia.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
The list of documents and the cost is specified.
VI. Special residence permit
Special residence permit issued: foreigners in respect of whom there is a reasonable assumption that they may be victims or injured as a result of the commission of a crime – human trafficking (trafficking) in cases provided for by the Law of Georgia on Combating Human Trafficking (trafficking), foreigners whose written initiative to issue a temporary residence permit in Georgia will be submitted by a member of the Government of Georgia, persons provided for in Article 60 of this Law, and citizens of foreign states with the status of compatriots residing abroad.
List of documents to be submitted for registration at the initiative of a member of the Government of Georgia:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a written request from a member of the Government of Georgia,
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia,
- photo, siz 3*4.
The service is free.
List of documents to be submitted for registration on human trafficking (trafficking):
The list of documents is being specified.
VII. Permanent residence permit
A permanent living permit shall be issued to a spouse, parent, and child of a citizen of Georgia. A permanent living permit shall also be issued to an alien who has lived in Georgia for the last 10 years on the basis of a temporary residence permit. This period shall not include the period of residence in Georgia for study or medical treatment, and the period of work at diplomatic missions and equivalent missions.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
1. To issue a permanent residence permit to the spouse, minor children of a citizen of Georgia or a parent of a minor citizen of Georgia:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia,
- a document certifying kinship with a citizen of Georgia,
- a document confirming the legal income in Georgia of his relative – a foreign citizen and / or a citizen of Georgia or a person with the right to reside. If a citizen of Georgia is an old-age pensioner or receives social assistance – a document certifying the use of a state pension or social assistance. The amount on the personal bank account of a foreign citizen can also be considered income.
- photo, siz 3*4.
2. To obtain a permanent residence permit for a foreign citizen residing in Georgia on the basis of a temporary residence permit for the past 10 years:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of a document certifying residence in Georgia on the basis of a temporary residence permit for the last 10 years (copy of a temporary residence permit / residence permit in Georgia),
- a document confirming the legal income in Georgia of his relative – a foreign citizen and / or citizen of Georgia or a person who has the right to reside and be related. If a citizen of Georgia is an old-age pensioner or receives social assistance – a document certifying the use of a state pension or social assistance. The amount on the personal bank account of a foreign citizen can also be considered income.
- photo, siz 3*4.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: | |
30 calendar days | 350 GEL |
20 calendar days | 500 GEL |
VIII. Investment residence permit
An investment residence permit shall be issued to an alien and his/her family members, who has made an investment in Georgia in the amount of at least USD 300 000 equivalent in GEL in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Investment Activity Promotion and Guarantees, or who has, on the territory of Georgia, under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia, the right to an immovable thing (except for agricultural land) the market value of which exceeds USD 300 000 equivalent in GEL. For issuing an investment residence permit, the market value of the immovable thing shall be established by a certified assessor of a body accredited by the Legal Entity under Public Law – the Georgian Unified National Accreditation Body – Georgian Accreditation Centre. For the purposes of this subparagraph, family members of an alien shall be: his/her spouse, a minor child, and a fully dependent beneficiary of support or a disabled person, and a fully dependent person recognised as legally incompetent under the procedure established by the legislation of a country in question.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
1. If a foreign citizen wishes to obtain a residence permit for investment purposes:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document confirming the right to stay on the territory of Georgia on legal grounds,
- a document confirming an investment in Georgia in the amount of at least USD 300,000 (an audit report issued by a certified auditor), or a document confirming the ownership of real estate existing on the territory of Georgia (except for agricultural land), the market value of which exceeds the equivalent of 300,000 US dollars in lari, a document confirming the market value of the property (conclusion of a certified accredited appraiser of a body accredited by a legal entity of public law – the Unified National Accreditation Body – Accreditation Center),
- a written recommendation of 3 Georgian citizens who have representative powers of business entities operating in Georgia or a member of the Government of Georgia,
- photo, siz 3*4.
2. If you wish to obtain a residence permit from family members of a foreign citizen who has a residence permit for investment purposes:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia,
- a copy of the residence permit of a foreign citizen who has a residence permit for investment purposes,
- a document confirming family ties with a foreign citizen who has a residence permit for investment purposes,
- photo, siz 3*4.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: | |
30 calendar days | 300 GEL |
20 calendar days | 450 GEL |
10 calendar days | 600 GEL |
IX. Temporary residence permit for victims of domestic violence.
A temporary residence permit shall be issued to an alien who has been assigned the status of a victim under the Law of Georgia on Elimination of Violence against Women and/or Domestic Violence, Protection and Support of Victims of Domestic Violence;
A temporary residence permit issued to foreigners who are victims in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Suppression of Violence Against Women and/or Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance to Victims of Violence, for whose protection a restraining order or protection order has been issued or ( i) who are subject to criminal prosecution for the fact of violence against women and/or domestic violence, or/and who use the services of a shelter for victims of violence against women and/or domestic violence or a crisis centre.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
The list of documents and the cost is specified.
X. Temporary residence permit based on the acquisition of property in Georgia worth from 100,000 (one hundred thousand) US dollars.
A short-term residence permit shall be issued to an alien who, under the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia, has the property right to an immovable thing within the territory of Georgia (except for agricultural land) with its market value exceeding USD 100 000 equivalent in GEL, and their family members. To grant a short-term residence permit, the market value of the real property shall be established by a certified assessor of a body accredited by the Legal Entity under Public Law – the Georgian Unified National Accreditation Body – Georgian Accreditation Centre.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
1. For a foreign citizen:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document confirming the right to stay on the territory of Georgia on legal grounds,
- a document confirming the ownership of a foreign citizen on real estate on the territory of Georgia (except for agricultural land), the market value of which exceeds the equivalent of 100,000 US dollars in lari,
- a document confirming the market value of the property item (the market value of the property item, established by a certified appraiser of a body accredited by a legal entity of public law – the Unified National Accreditation Body – Accreditation Center),
- photo, siz 3*4.
2. If you wish to obtain a residence permit from the spouse and children of a foreign citizen who has a short-term residence permit:
- a copy of the travel document of a foreign citizen,
- a copy of the document certifying the legal stay in Georgia,
- a copy of the short-term residence permit of a foreign citizen who has such a permit,
- a document confirming family ties with a foreign citizen who has a short-term residence permit,
- photo, size ¾.
The review period depends on your ability to pay for the service: | |
30 calendar days | 300 GEL |
20 calendar days | 450 GEL |
10 calendar days | 600 GEL |
XI. Perpetual residence permit after living in Georgia on the basis of an investment residence permit for 5 (five) years.
An unlimited residence permit shall be issued to an alien and his/her family members, to whom an investment residence permit has been issued on the basis of an investment made in the amount of USD 300 000 equivalent in GEL, who has a proof of the annual turnover of at least USD 50 000 equivalent in GEL during the first year of the entrepreneurial activities he/she has carried out in Georgia; the annual turnover of at least USD 100 000 equivalent in GEL during the second year, and the turnover of at least USD 120 000 equivalent in GEL during the third, fourth and fifth years, or to an alien, and his/her family members, holding an investment residence permit issued on the basis of having ownership of an immovable thing worth of more than USD 300 000 equivalent in GEL, who has the property right to this immovable thing for 5 years after he/she received the investment residence permit. For the purposes of this subparagraph, family members of an alien shall be: his/her spouse, a minor child, and a fully dependent beneficiary of support or a disabled person, and a fully dependent person recognised as legally incompetent under the procedure established by the legislation of a country in question.
I.e., it is issued to foreign citizens and their family members (spouse/husband, minor child, disabled or dependent citizen) for permanent residence in Georgia, who:
- have invested 300,000 (three hundred thousand) US dollars in the economy of Georgia and who are required to annually comply with the requirements for maintaining and increasing the amount of income turnover: 1 year – 50,000 (fifty) thousand US dollars, 2 year – 100,000 (one hundred thousand) US dollars, 3,4,5 years – 120,000 (one hundred and twenty) thousand US dollars,
- have purchased property in the amount of 300,000 (three hundred) thousand US dollars and own this property or other equivalent property in Georgia for 5 years.
List of documents to be submitted for registration:
List of documents and cost to be specified.
Length of stay without a visa in Georgia
According to the Decree of the Government of Georgia No. 255 of June 05, 2015, below is a list of countries whose citizens have the right to enter without a visa and stay for a full period of one year (with the exception of citizens of Ukraine, who have the right to enter Georgia without a visa and stay in it for a full two years, according to the Decree of the Government of Georgia No. 81 of February 24, 2023):
List of countries whose citizens can enter Georgia without a visa:
- The Commonwealth of Australia
- The Republic of Austria
- The Republic of Azerbaijan
- The Republic of Albania
- The United States of America
- The Principality of Andorra
- Antigua and Barbuda
- The United Arab Emirates
- The Argentine Republic
- New Zealand
- Barbados
- The Kingdom of Bahrain
- The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
- The Republic of Belarus
- The Kingdom of Belgium
- Belize
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- The Republic of Botswana
- The Federative Republic of Brazil
- Brunei Darussalam
- The Republic of Bulgaria
- The Federal Republic of Germany
- The Kingdom of Denmark
- Territories of the Kingdom of Denmark – The Faroe Islands and Greenland
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Overseas territories of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Bermuda Islands, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Falkland Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Gibraltar
- Crown Dependencies of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man
- The Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- The Republic of Ecuador
- The Kingdom of Spain
- The Republic of Estonia
- The Republic of Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Japan
- The Republic of Ireland
- Iceland
- State of Israel
- The Italian Republic
- Canada
- State of Qatar
- The Republic of Cyprus
- The Republic of Colombia
- The Republic of Korea
- The Republic of Costa Rica
- The Republic of Latvia
- The Republic of Lithuania
- The Lebanese Republic
- The Principality of Liechtenstein
- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- The Republic of Mauritius
- Malaysia
- The Republic of Malta
- The United Mexican States
- The Principality of Monaco
- The Republic of Moldova
- Montenegro
- The Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Aruba and Netherlands Antilles
- The Kingdom of Norway
- The Sultanate of Oman
- The Republic of Panama
- The Republic of Poland
- The Portuguese Republic
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- The Hellenic Republic
- The Republic of South Africa
- The Republic of San Marino
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- The French Republic
- Territories of the French Republic – French Polynesia and New Caledonia
- Seychelles
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- The Republic of Serbia
- The Republic of Singapore
- The Slovak Republic
- The Republic of Slovenia
- The Republic of Armenia
- The Kingdom of Thailand
- The Republic of Tajikistan
- The Republic of Uzbekistan
- Ukraine
- Hungary
- The Republic of Finland
- State of Kuwait
- The Kyrgyz Republic
- The Republic of Kazakhstan
- The Kingdom of Sweden
- The Swiss Confederation
- The Czech Republic
- Holy See
- The Republic of Croatia
- The Republic of Honduras .
Where documents are issued for obtaining a residence permit in Georgia
Georgia has an excellent and absolutely transparent system of public services, which are mainly issued in the regional Houses of Justice. Therefore, in 2012, the House of Justice was declared the winner of the competition announced by the UN in the nomination “Improving the delivery of the most important government services”. Everything happens very modern, fast and convenient. Branches of the House of Justice are open and operate in such cities as: Tbilisi, Batumi, Rustavi, Kutaisi, Ozurgeti, Gurjaani, Akhaltsikhe, Marneuli, Kvareli, Telavi, Gori, Zugdidi, Poti, Lagodekhi, Tianeti, Borjomi, Stepantsminda, Oni.
Some of the most popular services are:
- obtaining identity documents,
- registration of marriage and the act of birth,
- registration of rights to real estate,
- submission of documents for registration of a residence permit,
- registration of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities and so on.
The decoration for this article is a photo of the most beautiful building of the House of Justice in Tbilisi.
Its location: https://goo.gl/maps/raCA7bgW4ory2ZtP7
Also, a residence permit is issued for the Territorial Services of the State Service Development Agencies.
Why you should apply for a residence permit in Georgia.
A foreign citizen who has received a residence permit in Georgia has a number of advantages over an ordinary tourist:
- he can reside in Georgia for more than one full year without leaving and re-entering the country;
- issue a residence permit for members of their family;
- draw up and submit documents for obtaining visas at the consulates of other countries located in Georgia;
- has the opportunity to subsequently obtain a permanent residence permit, and then citizenship of Georgia, subject to compliance with all requirements, and so on.
Necessary steps for obtaining a residence permit in Georgia.
At the time of the first submission for a residence permit, you must be present on the territory of Georgia. You can extend the validity of a residence permit remotely, even while in another country.
You can collect and submit documents for obtaining a residence permit in Georgia at the House of Justice or the Agency for the Development of Government Services:
a) or by personal presence,
b) or remotely through the site,
c) or by using the services of a representative.
Let’s take a closer look at remote filing, as this is a rather innovative approach, which is quite simple and convenient for those wishing to apply for a residence permit.
To begin with, we suggest you to familiarize yourself with this link to the description of filling out and submitting documents, in which the filling in of forms for filing is displayed as clearly as possible:
- Filling out an electronic questionnaire
- Adding the necessary scans of documents.
- Interview with a specialist of the competent authority in the Skype messenger. You can choose the language of communication – Georgian, English or Russian.
- Registration of your application and receipt of data by e-mail, by which you can see the status of your application on the site – სახელმწიფო სერვისების განვითარების სააგენტო – განცხადებების / დოკუმენტების ელექტრონული რეესტრი (sda.gov.ge).
- Payment of the established amount of state duty at a bank branch or online on the website.
- Either you or your representative by letter of attorney within 10 days from the date of registration of the application must submit to the authority where you issue a residence permit copies of the documents that you submitted in the electronic application.
- Remember that organizations applying for a residence permit in Georgia may require additional documents for consideration.
N.B. Most foreigners receive positive responses to their applications, but there are also refusals to issue residence permits – residence permits in Georgia and some applicants were able to successfully challenge their refusal in court.
The next step after receiving a positive response to your application for a residence permit – a residence permit in Georgia, you will receive an appropriate document for a period that corresponds to the type of your residence permit in Georgia (link to the terms for issuing a residence permit in Georgia: PSH – იუსტიციის სახლი).
Such a document is called a binadroba and for it you must:
- register at the place of residence in Georgia, providing a written consent of the property owner, property title deed, a written confirmation of two able-bodied persons about the residence of a foreigner at the specified address for a month,
- provide a photo (the opportunity to take a photo on the spot in the relevant House of Justice or the Agency for the Development of Government Services),
- provide payment of the state fee according to the date of receipt of the document chosen by you,
- provide a decision on issuing a residence permit – a residence permit in Georgia or a decision on granting status to refugees and stateless persons,
- provide proof of identity
N.B. Please note, issue a binadrob in a timely manner, because if you don’t do this within 6 months, then the residence permit – residence permit in Georgia will be canceled
What do we want to say?
Georgia ❤️ is a wonderful country for holiday, for life, for doing business. And thanks to the sincerity of its people, the transparency of public services, the tax climate and the amazingly beautiful nature, it continues to attract many tourists and expats year after year.
We are glad to be here and invite you to visit this worthy country as well.
Our team is ready to provide you with assistance in our case, we will answer your questions and suggestions, and lawyers will help you draw up and receive the documents you need.
See you in a sunny Georgia!